Be Confident


Be Confident

Do you believe in yourself, how much confidence do you have in your ability to actually put together the plans you have in your head. What is holding you back. Am asking these questions because, you may have all the best plans and capital to put them together, but if you do not have confidence in yourself to make it work, you will only be starting something that will make you feel worse.

I have always said that you should start that vision you have and give it the best you can. The first thing to do is to give yourself the best boost you can, by looking at your positives. What are the things you have done well this year, where do you think you have succeeded. It would be so easy to count the errors you have made, but am not interested in those, I want you to count your successes.


Register NowI remember asking a few people while in a presentation to mention 10 good things they had done that day, and none could event get to 3. But when I asked them to mention 5 mistakes, they just went on and on, till I stopped them. You need to paint your positive picture. What are the things you have done well at. Get that picture and please it in front of your table or bed. The aim is that you see it each and everyday.

buyyourticketAbove all things, I want you to prosper in your dream. I want you to be the best you can and most of all start working on it now. If you leave it for too long, the moment will pass and you will lose the momentum and passion you have now. What are you really afraid of. I wish you all the best in life and hope to see you at the CHABSUK event in September where I shall be giving a short talk on not giving up.

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