Category Archives: Cancer in Africa

The world is full of surprises, pain and love.

The world is full of surprises, pain and love. I know it hurts to go over the pain and the hurt, however, we must find love to help us find joy. Love and trust yourself, believe in your actions and never give up. Keep taking those baby steps. It may take time, but in the […]

13 Days to go to the Ring of Hope.

13 Days to go to the Ring of Hope. Creatively Raising Cancer Awareness through Boxing and Fashion in Africa. About Ring of Hope. We welcome you to the shifting. For decades we have always believed that we are the home of creativity and sports. This event is the beginning of many, that will have reshare […]

Welcome the amazing Melissa Bellydance group to Chabs London

Wao! We are very excited to welcome the amazing Melissa Bellydance group to #chabslondon on March 16th at St John’s Hyde Park So many amazing performances and side attractions to deliver value for your money. The only challenge is that 2 hours (2pm – 4pm) may just be too short. Everything we do is to […]

Chabs is back at St John’s Hyde Park, London,

We are back at St John’s Hyde Park, London, ready for the next challenge. Join us on March 16th as we prepare for another amazing #chabslondon experience. We are a family. Register now at Chabskids ChabsUK is a Cancel Cancer Africa event.

11 weeks to ChabsUK Chabskids It’s been a journey

11 weeks to ChabsUK Chabskids It’s been a journey, however, we are all going strong. We thank once again for supporting Cancel Cancer Africa You get your supporting tickets now at Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

Chabs London Creatives.

Chabs London Creatives. 19 days to #chabslondon. We appreciate all the creatives volunteering to help make our charity event a success. Tickets are still available at #chabslondon is a Cancel Cancer Africa event. Your support and donations help us do more in rural Africa. You can see more of what we do at […]

Ethnicroyals will be storming the runway at the March 11th ChabsUK and Chabskids event

Ethnicroyals will be storming the runway at the March 11th ChabsUK and Chabskids event. 43 days to go. Tickets at:…/buy-your-chabs…/ #fashion | #dinner | #awardsceremony Presentation | #dancemusic We will be crowning our charity Ambassadors on the night. It’s going to be our most creative show event. It is our dream for everyone to […]

Thank you Vermelho Rose for your amazing support.

Thank you Vermelho Rose for your amazing support. Come enjoy Rubyrose Barratt showcasing her amazing collection. Tickets at:…/buy-your-chabs…/ Fashion | Dinner | Awards Presenation | Dance We will be crowning our charity Ambassadors on the night. It’s going to be our most creative show event. It is our dream for everyone to have the […]

We are hosting our first Chabs Lagos in Nigeria.

I’m getting that funny feeling in my belly again😊, I always feel like this when I’m about to give the dream a big push. So, for those of you who think Ronnie Jacobs is superhuman, well, news flash! I’m not. We all go through challenges and barriers, we all feel pain and joy. However, I […]