We are back at St John’s Hyde Park, London, ready for the next challenge. Join us on March 16th as we prepare for another amazing #chabslondon experience. We are a family. Register now at www.chabs.uk Chabskids ChabsUK is a Cancel Cancer Africa event.
Tag Archives: cancer in africa
11 weeks to ChabsUK Chabskids It’s been a journey, however, we are all going strong. We thank Postcodefashion.com once again for supporting Cancel Cancer Africa You get your supporting tickets now at www.chabs.uk Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
Ronnie Jacobs the founder of Cancel Cancer Africa received an award to appreciate his commitment and continuous support for cancer awareness in rural Africa. “Thank you KDM Foundation for the recognition and appreciation. I am humbled and will keep volunteering my time towards raising #cancerawareness in rural Africa”. Thanks, Chuks Uwaechia #cancerawareness #cancerinafrica #cancer
Amazon welcomes Cancel Cancer Africa. We have great News!!. We are very excited about the announcement that Amazon has accepted our charity for donations. How does it work? Whenever you shop on amazon, please use the Smile.Amazon.co.uk link then select Cancel Cancer Africa. Every time you shop 0.05% of your shopping is donated to Cancel Cancer […]