Countdown to our cancer awareness event start now. To join us help raise cancer awareness in rural Africa kindly register at Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
Author Archives: Ronnie Jacobs
Early Detection of Cancer Symptoms is Critical in Africa. Cancer is a growing concern in Africa, with the continent experiencing a significant increase in cancer cases and deaths over the past decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, with approximately 70% of cancer deaths occurring […]
Thank you for supporting Cancel Cancer Africa. You can view photos from the Oct event here.
Using boxing to help raise cancer awareness in Africa helps us to do two things. One. We engage the local people. Two, we develop local talent. Help us to reach more people in Africa and make that difference. We are a small charity, using creative platforms to spread the cancer awareness message. Join us at […]
The world is full of surprises, pain and love. I know it hurts to go over the pain and the hurt, however, we must find love to help us find joy. Love and trust yourself, believe in your actions and never give up. Keep taking those baby steps. It may take time, but in the […]
We’ve added more engaging and sporty activities to make the two hours more exciting. Here we go. This October 12th, Chabs is going to be excitingly different. We’ve added more engaging and sporty activities to make the two hours more exciting. We have a few surprises. Chabs is a Cancel Cancer Africa fundraising event, that […]
Chabs Kids October 12th Registration now open. Here we go. This October 12th, Chabskids is going to be excitingly different. We’ve added more engaging and sporty activities to make the two hours more exciting. We were in Nigeria celebrating Ring of Hope just a few weeks ago, and now we are building up to a […]
13 Days to go to the Ring of Hope. Creatively Raising Cancer Awareness through Boxing and Fashion in Africa. About Ring of Hope. We welcome you to the shifting. For decades we have always believed that we are the home of creativity and sports. This event is the beginning of many, that will have reshare […]