Now Registering BodyPainters & Models for CHABSUK.
Creative Hair & Beauty Show (CHABS) is a combination of the best and professional creatives. Now Registering BodyPainters & Models for CHABSUK. Come join us break record as we raise funds for Cancer Awareness in Africa.
Theme: “54 Countries of Africa”
Body Painters Specifics:
- Registration is free.
- You will need to secure your own model. We can help if you are unable to secure any model.
- As a charity we are unable to cover any cost you may insure
- Event shall be held in London.
#CHABSUK will feature an array of the most creative
- Makeup Displays.
- Live body painting by world-renowned champions.
- Creative Hair Styles by top Hair Stylists.
- Wild fashion displays.
“Probably the most creative Cancer event ever”.
CHABS is organised by Cancel Cancer Africa (CCA) a UK Charity that travels to rural Africa to educate people on the early Signs and Symptoms of Cancer. Since 2009 CCA has been organising international events to help raise Cancer Awareness in Africa and funds to help do more.
Contact +44 7405 144789 for details or email: events@cancelcancerafrica.
Kindly click below to make a donation to help us do more in Africa.