I want to tell you a story. Over the previous few days, I have received phone calls from several people on different matters, some positive and some worrying. However, as I have always said, you must decide on the load you want your mind to carry.
I was very impressed by a few women who suddenly found the motivation to walk the runway to help raise funds for Cancel Cancer Africa charity, as this has always been their dream. Talking to some of them, the anxiety about what people would say or think has always been their obstacle.
It’s amazing how much control we give other people over our own life. People come into our lives and drop words that linger and bruise us; however, they move on not knowing how much destruction they have created. Please let’s all develop a habit of focusing on the positives, with love and encouraging words.
If you have a dream, go for it. Do not allow people’s opinions of what you do to stop you. Dream, and dream big. If you are over sixty and want to walk the runway at the next Chabs London event, then please go forward and register now. You are special and beautiful as you are.
See you at chabs in March. Fashion, Dinner, and Awards presentation. Register now at www.chabs.uk