If You think you are “Passionate about BodyPainting”? meet Tina Smith
I am Tina Smith and I’m based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. When it comes to body painting I will paint any where as it is my biggest passion after my family. July 2014 was a turning point for me as I did my first full body paint and by the end of 2015 I am one of the 4 directors of The Bodypaint Project and co-run the Midland Body Paint Project. I am so excited to help Cancel Caner Africa at Chabsuk to raise cancer awareness in Africa.
In 2014 I entered my 1st body paint competition at the UK Face and Bodyart Convention in Birmingham and to my surprise I won, I was helped on the day by my lovely assistant Anna Brookfield. Through winning this competition it gave me the courage and confidence to carry on painting. The more I paint the more passionate I get about it. I love the process of changing a model into a character and then seeing them take on a whole new role.
I am in the process of trying to spread the word of good practices while body painting and trying to stop people using Sharpie and Acrylics on models skin. At the Body Paint Project we encourage and promote safe and happy events. We are a Utopia where artists, models and photographers meet to create beautiful body art. Mutual respect and consideration for all members is a must. We have high expectations for all group members with regards to behaviour and attitude.
My ambition one day is create body painting for a small movie or theatre. I have met the most amazing people on this body paint journey and I know it will only get better. You can see more of my work on my website enchanted-faces.com or on face book under the name Tina Smith Bodyartist, you can also email me at info@enchanted-faces.com or call 07724874374.
If you would like to now more about the Midland Bodypaint Project we have a face book site you can visit.
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