Walking in Kenya
In September we walked the streets of rural Kenya under the buring heat to raise awareness on Cancer. It was a fun and very productive walk. It started from the local hospital, joined by the First Lady of Busia county, the minister of Health and many senior staffs of the health department.
It was a huge leap from the last ttime we went and although we have challenges, we are pleased about the progress our collaborating efforts are doing in the County.
We look forward to returning back to care for the people we screened.
Event Details
We are organising a fundraising event in London to help us to more in 2016. We invite you to join us in London to make this event the best it can be. Filled with the top body painters in UK, eight of the top makeup artist, six of the best fashion houses and twenty six models displaying creative works, its a day not to miss.
CHABS UK (Crazy Hair & Beauty Show) will feature the imagination and inspiration of Creative Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Body Painters, Fashion Brands and Musical Entertaining teams from across England, whilst raising much-needed funding for our work in Africa.
Get your tickets now and help support Cancel Cancer Africa do more work in rural Africa. Cancel Cancer Africa is a UK registered Charity 1165140.