Category Archives: Uncategorized

AlterGroup showcasing at the Warsaw Kids Fashion Festival International.

Alter-Group showcasing at the Warsaw Kids Fashion Festival International. AlterGroup showcasing at the Warsaw Kids Fashion Festival International. Another great video from #Warsaw Kids Fashion Festival International. Enjoy the Video, Share and Subscribe to help us reach more families. #Kffi #Kffuk #Kffint #Kkidsfashionfestivalinternational

Just a few days to Warsaw.

Just a few days to Warsaw. 3 days to Warsaw Kids Fashion Festival International. Daring to dream for Africa. Thank you Kasia Cendal, Karolina Pawelec and Anne Wilkinson for all your love and support towards Cancel Cancer Africa events. See you all soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for live videos and updates. Link:

Today we celebrate Karen Huwen

Today we celebrate Karen Huwen and Roach Cheryl Today we say a big thank you to Karen Huwen a professional body painter and model Roach Cheryl. Both have been supporting Cancel Cancer Africa since 2016.💖💖💖💖. We are indeed thankful and appreciate the efforts and sacrifice you keep giving for this cause. Your honest approach and advice has helped us grow one […]

A short video to Welcome you to London Kids Fashion Festival 2019.

A short video to Welcome you to #London Kids Fashion Festival 2019. “Officially UK’s biggest Kids Fashion Festival”. Please share to help us reach kids.Thank you. Kids Fashion Festival International’s vision is to give Kids the opportunity to live their dreams, develop self confidence and gain experience while helping to raise funds for Cancel Cancer […]