We have been working in the Adolor/Uwelu community in Edo State, Nigeria since 2016.

Many of the local people do not have access nor can afford medical testing to ascertain a definite diagnosis of their early symptoms, thereby, resulting to local herbal medication, visiting unlicensed medical personnel’s, and using untrained facilities.

These all lead to the wrong diagnosis and loss of life, besides, this is now compounded with the presence of the deadly Corona virus.


Our free medical centre and laboratory will provide the urgently needed testing for Corona virus, Bacteria and Virial infections such as Typhoid fever, HIV and Malaria as well as Biopsies and ultrasounds to detect early Cancer symptoms.

This year has been a huge challenge for us to raise funds due to the pandemic, furthermore, the local people are more in need of our medical services now, than ever before.

Where we are Now.

We have employed professional nurses and medical consultants who engage with the local people six days a week to provide relevant vaccinations and basic health checks. Although this is a huge challenge, we have developed a long-term project plan to enable us to determine our daily cost capacity. With this, we are confident that this project will be a success. The medical centre will run fully on donations and grants.

see video/photos

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