About the Ronnie J Show.
Our Vision.
For adults who want to better their life’s and attain their goals, the Ronnie J Show is a novel talk show that educates and motivates its audience to help achieve their dream. Unlike others, our guest speakers use their life experiences to discuss real and life-impacting topics.
About the Show.
The show is presented by Ronnie Jacobs. The current time is 4 PM UK: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Friday, and Saturdays. The show has five segments, Self-development, Life-coaching, Business and Events management, Health & Beauty and Family & Relationship, featuring professional guests within each sector, for an average of 10-20 minutes depending on the subject matter.
Currently, the show is live on Social media, however, the vision is to be global across mainstream digital and broadcasting platforms. You can watch previous shows at www.ronniejshow.com
Topics: | Monday: Self-Development | Tuesdays: Life-Coaching | Thursdays: Business & Events managenemnt | Friday: Health & Beauty | : Saturday: Family & Relatiosnhip.
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- We are non-political.
- Refrain from promoting yourself until asked to do so.
- Refrain from making malicious or defamatory claims about others.
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- Unless using an individual as a reference to their work in a positive way, refrain from mentioning names.
- Please be aware that the generalisation of an individual’s actions can lead to libel from the individual.
- We are highly against abusive and demeaning comments. Our concept is built on the values of positive energy, giving, respect for one another and encouragement.