1, The volunteers share educative materials about Breast cancer.
2, Trained volunteers work along side the local health team, sharing, transferring knowledge.
3, The medical team examines the local women and ask each woman to repeat the Self examination method.
4, We collect information through questionnaires.
5, Short training sessions.
About Me
What made me setup a Charity.
My name is Ronnie Jacobs, I was born in Birmingham, England and my parents are from a rural village in Edo state, Nigeria. My father died of prostate cancer in 2010. This made my mother a widow, depriving her loving husband of over 40 years of marriage and the chance of my father playing with all his lovely grandchildren.
My father never told anyone about his early symptoms and kept his illness till he died. It was a sad loss but it was made worse when we eventually found out why he died. This could have been easily prevented. This pain led me to setup a local charity to help raise cancer awareness in rural communities in Africa.
One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime and it is the second leading cause of Cancer death in men in Africa. The rate of late presentations of Cancer symptoms in rural Africa is the number one reason why the number of people dying from Cancer is very high in Africa.
Most countries in Africa do not have the facilities to care for Cancer patients. Imagine a country of over 60 million people with just one government MRI. Many poor women live in rural villages needing to travel hundreds of kilometres to the city capital hospital with the hope that she will be attended to. We’ve not even factored in the reality that these poor people cannot afford one complete meal a day.
Cancel Cancer Africa has been working in rural Africa since 2009 educating the local people about the early Signs and Symptoms of Cancer, with a primary focus on Prostate, Cervical and Breast. In 2017 we registered our first sister NGO in Nigeria, Lift above Cancer Nigeria. This is a huge milestone for us, as it enables us to directly employ health workers as make long term plans about services to the local people.
Our key task is:
- Educating people on how to self-examine themselves to be able to identify the early signs and symptoms of our primaries,
- Providing free examinations and screening, and
- Collating information to help our local NGO and the local government draw out a route map for its communities.
Laura is one of the local volunteers being trained by CCA in Adolo a local community in Nigeria that has a high rate of Cancer mortality. She lost her mother to breast cancer and has immersed herself in educating the local people in her village so they too do not make the same mistake her mother made.
Since Laura joined CCA as one of the local health workers who visits the rural areas talking one on one with the village people, she has become more aware of the Cancer challenges facing rural Africa.
We as an organisation are confident that the training and experience Laura has gained from CCA will make a huge impact in the lives of local people in the villages in Africa.
People who live in rural Africa cannot afford health care or the logistic cost for getting the required health care.
We travel to the rural villages in four countries in Africa; Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa. It is with the help of the medical and non-medical volunteers who give up one or two weeks of their time that enables us to provide these free services to rural Africa.
Our volunteers work with the local health workers and collaborate with the local government medical team to travel across the rural villages providing free examinations, educating and screening services.
Since the beginning of our educative trips to Africa, CCA has examined over 6000 people.
Looking at the challenges, we are determined and committed to:
- Increasing the number of local health workers in the villages where we provide free services.
- Providing a free health centre for the community,
- Broadcasting health educative messages daily to develop their capacity to making good health decisions.
After Laura’s training she will be able to train more trainers to provide the basic training to help us increase the number of local volunteers whereby reaching more people. The biggest impact of our service is the creation of easy access to educative health information about the concerns of any early signs or symptoms noticed.
We are happy with the small progress we are making, but we know that there is a lot more that needs to be done.
Imagine you noticed a lump in your breast, first you will be worried, but the worst scenario will be that you don’t have access to any information or health centre to relieve you of your concerns. This is our biggest concern in Africa and we are determined to make a difference.
By giving a regular donation of just £3 a month, you have joined our regular givers to help fund our local health workers.
Your regular gift of £3 a month will help CCA:
Cover the logistical cost of our local health workers who visit the rural villages.
Pay the wages and train more local health workers who work at our health centre.
Produce more educative materials and help us reach more people via local radio programs.
Kindly give now by texting CCA1 to 70133
Cancel Cancer Africa is a registered UK charity: 1165140. Raising cancer awareness in Africa, one door at a time.
Thank you for collaborating with us to help rural Africa.