The ChabsKids London fashion show is an exciting charity event exclusively for creative kids wear designers. .
We are very excited to be featuring fancy Costumes, Casual wears, Dinner wears and Party wears.
This event is built to be a fantastic fundraising event for Cancel Cancer Africa, with a well thought through creative collection of some of the best in kids clothing, Anne Wilkinson, Michele Buckland, DM Raines and DGV Styles.
This exciting 2 hours event will be complimented with great dance routines, drama and music, with a regular open bar all night.
Theme of the event “Living a Dream“.
#ChabsKidsUK helps to raise funds for the Charities work in rural Africa. For more information about the charity please click here
Our Vision:
We believe that every child show be given the chance to have a taste of their dream. We as parents have a responsibility to guide our children carefully towards their dreams and passion. This event theme dreams is tailored to enable kids with a dream of trying out the runway to give it a go.
Our Promise:
We are a charity daring to dream. Taking on the huge challenge of helping to raise cancer awareness in rural Africa. Our promise is to create a fun filled environment during each event to generate a positive buzz of a lifetime.
Our beliefs:
We strongly believe in respecting everyone. We work in a very difficult and challenging environment and so feed off positive minded people only. We believe that with a positive mindset we can continue to raise the bar and face various challenges year after year.
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