24 hours to ChabsUK, Free Car parking, Tickets at the door, doors open 6pm.
It has been a roller coaster of a journey and a very exciting period of preparation just for you. But finally it is just 24 hours to Chabs-UK, a Cancer awareness and fundraising event. We have spent every minute of everyday over the past six months planning and preparing for this moment, and now is upon us. We have all worked so hard and sacrificed so much to make this a day you will enjoy.
The day is packed with live body painting were you are free to take selfies with them from 6pm, which is when the doors opens to the public. We have packed the day filled with creative fashion designers who will be featuring their summer collections all night long. A display of authentic belle dancers are planned to thrill us through the night. With our comedic hosts and presenters, it is planned to be a night you will always put in your calendar.
The event closes at 10 pm and then unfolds into the UV after party at St James Tavern, on St James road. Make sure you are ready to for a mind blowing evening. We thank you for your kind support and look forward to seeing you at 7 pm.
Event Details:
- Date: Saturday, September 17th, 2016.
- Venue: Harris Academy Bermondsey, SE16 3TZ. Nearest station, Bermondsey.
- Time: Doors open to public at 6pm, event starts 7pm.
- Gate fee: £15 at the door.
24 hours to ChabsUK, Free Car parking, Tickets at the door, doors open 6pm.
ChabsUk is a Cancel Cancer Africa Charity event.
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