To help you understand the event more, these are our most frequent questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there other Hidden Fees ?
No. Once you have registered with £10, you do not need to pay any other cost.
What is the Next Step after I Register ?
Once you register we will send you a link to help fund raise for the Charity.
Must I raise funds for the Charity ?
Yes. We require participants to help us raise funds, as it is a fundraising event for Cancel Cancer Africa Charity.
What do we need to bring to the event ?
We will provide the Makeup. Hairstylist and Designer. You are only required to ensure your kids have some food before arriving as we do not serve food due to allergies.
Do you pay for expenses ?
No. We are Not able to cover your cost of travel, accommodation or others, as we are a small charity.
How much do we Need to Raise ?
We do not set a fixed amount. The average target set by participants is £200 Minimum.
I registered and have not yet heard from you ?
Please send us a email to